Nose to tail like a gypsy caravan they stand -- a caravan of despair. Up in the Bakken shale regioin work is risky. It can be hazaradous physically, as well as the dangers posed by falling oil prices, protests, court injuctions and federal meddling. The men who come here to make a living often leave their familes for long periods, living in "man camps". Many choose an old motorhome as their home-away-from-home in the camps. But if the work stops for any reason so does the pay. Often they don't have the resources to make it through the work stoppage and have to abandon their temporary homes. Usually they don't return. The motorhomes have collected in huge clusters and they are a real chore to scrap out. The professionial protesters, the environmental wackos, and the far left really don't care about how their actions impact people's lives. But the fact is, they are hurting many who just want to do their work, make a living, and in the process make America energy independent. So sad.
Nose to tail like a gypsy caravan they stand -- a caravan of despair.

Up in the Bakken shale regioin work is risky.  It can be hazaradous physically, as well as the dangers posed by falling oil prices, protests, court injuctions and federal meddling.

The men who come here to make a living often leave their familes for long periods, living in